New Gallery

Two new retrospective galleries about portraits and cars/bikes. These are pictures I’ve taken since few years. All images are under copyright © Laurent Nivalle


Intro teaser for vTV: a new interview show hosted by Valeria Capponi. Directed by Peter Arnell.


Chimpanzee Testing: Is it the Beginning of the End?

Medical experiments on chimpanzees can be invasive, involving injections, blood samples and liver biopsies. But some say it’s the only way to advance medicine. Miles O’Brien reports explores whether there are ever instances in which the scientific value of research should offset the moral cost of working with chimps.


In Austin, Charged up About Smart Power

Miles O’Brien examines power grid reliability in a neighborhood near Austin, Texas that uses “smart grid” technology to track – and control – its energy consumption.

Austin Grid Caption

Fragile Waterways

Fragile Waterways travels to neighborhoods in Brooklyn, NY, the Great Lakes, Finger Lakes and Long Island to look at the challenges communities are facing as they clean up, restore and protect their lakes, canals, rivers, and the water they drink. In Brooklyn, a debate rages among residents and government agencies […]

Fragile Waterways

The Delegates

  A trailer for a film about Delegates to the 2008 Democratic National Convention The Delegates Trailer from Cameron Hickey on Vimeo.

The Delegates

Swing State

Part of The Unquiet American series produced by Steve James for Cinelan. Broadcast on Channel 4 in the UK on Nov 5th, 2008 (US Election Night).


Voter ID Laws: Who Doesn’t Have Photo ID?

Voter ID Laws: Who Doesn’t Have Photo ID? from on Vimeo. Now, meet two Philadelphia women at serious risk of losing their rights to vote due to Pennsylvania’s strict new voter ID laws: Laila Stones, a retired nurse working towards a culinary degree; and Ana Gonzalez, a community organizer, […]


Garlic and Watermelons

The lights of the Olympic Stadium loom above the rooftops of a pink and purple village. Below, women are washing clothes, men peeling garlic, and children are playing in the dust. Prokopis Nikolau sits alone on the cement patio of his wooden shack, looking pensive, sullen. He and the others […]

Garlic and Watermelons